Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Spotlight On: Book Donations

A wonderful, splendid, fantastical friend of my supervisor donated a TON of books to our library this weekend. I mean, we have more manga than we know what to do with now. Not to mention the audios, Adult fiction, YA fiction and nonfiction (hardcover and paperback), Juvenile fiction and nonfiction (hardcover and paperback) and some awesome graphic novels and comics!

I am so excited about these book donations; they are going to enhance our collection as well as broaden it. And I cannot wait to see the manga volumes fly off the shelf. It was a bit of a blur yesterday when we were processing them, but I know I saw titles like the Fullmetal Alchemist, Naturo, Hana-Kimi and Cinnmoroll. I personally want to read them, and I know some of the manga-readers in our community will be super ecstatic about the sheer amount of them. Some of them are COMPLETE series!

So. Excited.


  1. Yay! Gotta love when someone actually donates something good!

  2. Yes, definitely! I can't express how grateful we are for these books. It's just awesome. :D
